(Can I breathe now?)
It's been a loooooong 7 weeks of torture, sleepless nights and questioning internal strength.
And that was just what I was going through at home.
So today, he gets to stand through a graduation ceremony, hop in to his truck and drive for the next two days to get home, where he will be greeted with a half destroyed house and about 20 appointments next week to prepare for "the move". He hasn't realized this part yet.
Bravo, my love. You took one for the team and agreed to spend the next 3+ years away from your beloved sniper rifle to go sit in an office so that you could actually spend some time at home with your family before your sons graduate and leave. You even agreed to move to California to a city as our first choice because your wifes best friends live there, rather than put Florida as your first choice like I knew you wanted to. And for all this, I love you.
And I know I have to put out now, which I should be happy about after 7 weeks, but all I wish for is a Pennsylvania Dutch Smorgasboard, some stretchy pants and sleep -in that order.
It's also graduation day for me, as I finally broke the weightloss barrier and moved down in the next ten lbs category. I verified this by weighing myself before and after work the past two days. In the evening, I was like 5 lbs heavier than in the morning, but I had on a sock. I am fine with justifying the weight difference with a sock, so shut up.
I still feel like I deserve a full ten lb weightloss for the past week, but I guess I will take it. And probably go right back up over the borderline tonight, because my mom is coming for the weekend. The nice thing is that we can go eat dinner and then settle in to our comfy clothes for a Criminal Minds marathon tonight. I am really looking forward to that.
I also feel like a good showing of "The Ten Commandments" is in order this weekend, to make me feel a little less heathen.
Because in my mind, I justify that God would be okay with me just watching a Charlton Heston movie rather than go to church.
And no...I don't buy my kids Easter baskets. I will buy them a piece of candy as a treat, but if I buy my sons a basket of candy, it will all be eaten in a day that no one will want to remember. Call it cruel...whatever. Unless you are going to come watch my kids while they're on their sugar high, I don't give two shits if it makes me a mean mom.
And on that note...Have a happy Easter!