Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Case of the Missing Sex Drive.

So, pretty much every married woman I know who is not a newlywed is not happy with their sex life. In fact, we pool ideas on how to creatively avoid it. But what I want to know is why?

Most of us still want it. But do we really want it with our husbands?

Sometimes they get so close, and then say one dumb thing, and I can almost watch my hormones fly out the door. The moment is gone.

Or they want it during prime time television hours.

So what do we do to fix this before we get to the age where it may not be an option anymore, due to ED, which is on the horizon for anyone married to someone over 40.

What are some suggestions to keep the fires lit?


  1. I feel like I over think things (regarding the bedroom). Trying to live by the motto 'just do it'. Romantic, right?

    Or suggest to the hubby to do whatever chore is weighing most heavily on my shoulders. Then get in the mood for some 'extreme' cuddling.

  2. Dude, I feel you on this. I realize, rather objectively that my husband is sexy. Washboard abs, chiseled features, etc. So I feel like there's something wrong with me when he walks in from a run, shirtless and dripping in sweat and I ignore him until he goes away. I'm 27 for heaven's sake!! But after almost 8 years of marriage I feel like sex is a chore I must do once in a while in order to get some peace. So glad I'm not the only freak of nature.
